
  • World Series Of Poker Durant Ok
    카테고리 없음 2021. 8. 25. 06:33

    Copag is proud to be the official playing card provider for the World Series of Poker.

    1. World Series Of Poker Durant Ok
    2. World Series Of Poker Durant Ok 2020
    3. World Series Of Poker Durant Ok 2019

    We take pride in supplying the world’s best players with the world’s best playing cards. Copag cards are 100% plastic and world renown for quality by providing a smooth slide and texture for supreme handling.

    “We’re extremely pleased that Copag, given their track record to successfully supply some of the top poker tournaments in the world, will be the World Series of Poker partner in 2016 and beyond.”
    - WSOP Executive Director Ty Stewart.

    Copag has recently extended our contract with the WSOP and look forward to providing the world’s largest poker tournament with our cards for years to come!

    1. Information and Reviews about Choctaw Durant Poker Room in Durant, including Poker Tournaments, Games, Special Events and Promotions. Durant, OK 74701 (Directions.
    2. Online poker with the #1 free poker game, PlayWSOP. Play free poker online 24/7 with the official World Series of Poker game! Texas holdem, omaha, poker tournaments, and more poker games! PlayWSOP is the only place where players can win a World Series of Poker Bracelet.
    3. World Series of Poker Circuit recap from Choctaw casino in Durant Oklahoma from November of 2017.

    Stream 2019 World Series of Poker Main Event on Watch ESPN. Williams steals and slams to secure Oklahoma State's upset win over Kansas. Durant drops 34 points, takes over late in Nets' win.

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    WSOP Choctaw Casino
    World Series of Poker (WSOP) rings will be taking place at the Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant, Oklahoma US offering 11 standard WSOP Poker Circuit Rings, Cash tournaments and Ladies Tournament Ring.
    Choctaw Casino Resort
    3735 Choctaw Rd.
    Durant, Oklahoma US
    WSOP Poker Tournaments:
    Thursday, January 9th, 9.00am, 1-Day Event
    Non WSOP Ring Event: Daily 9.00am Mega Poker Satellites through January 15th. Daily Poker satellites to the noon WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Buy-In: $65
    Thursday, January 9th, 12.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.1: No Limit Poker Hold'em, Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Thursday, January 9th, 2.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Non WSOP Ring Event. Daily 2.00pm. Mega Poker Satellites through January 14th. Daily Poker satellites to the 5.00pm WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Buy-In: $65
    Thursday, January 9th, 5.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.2: Pot Limit Omaha Poker Tournament, Official WSOP POker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Thursday, January 9th, 7.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Nightly 7.00pm No-Limit Poker Hold'em Tournaments through January 19th, No 7.00pm nightlies will be held on January 16th or 17th. Buy-In: $125
    Friday, January 10th 12.00pm, 3-Day Event, Re entry event
    Event n.3A: No Limit Poker Hold'em Re-entry. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Tournament. Players eliminated in Flight A. may re enter in Flights B., C. and/or D. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Friday, January 10th, 5.00pm, 3-Day Event, Re entry event
    World series of poker durant okEvent n.3B: No Limit Poker Hold'em Re Entry. Players eliminated in Flight B. may re enter in Flights C. or D. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Saturday, January 11th, 12.00pm, 2-Day Event, Re entry event
    Event n.3C: No Limit Poker Hold'em Re Entry. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Players eliminated in Flight C. may re-enter in Flight D. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    PokerSaturday, January 11th, 5.00pm, 3-Day Event, Re entry event
    DurantEvent n.3D: No Limit Poker Hold'em Re Entry. Players eliminated in Flights A.-C. may re enter in Flight D. Official WSOP Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Sunday, January 12th, 12.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Event n.4: No Limit WSOP Poker Hold'em Tournament. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Sunday, January 12th, 5.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event 5: No Limit Poker Hold'em. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Tournament. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Monday, January 13th, 12.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.6: Six Handed, No Limit Poker Hold'em Tournament. Official WSOP Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Monday, January 13th, 5.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.7: No Limit Poker Hold'em. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Tuesday, January 14th, 12.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.8: No Limit Hold'em. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Tournament. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365Series
    Tuesday, January 14th, 5.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.9: No Limit Hold'em. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    Wednesday, January 15th, 12.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Event n.10: No Limit Hold'em. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Tournament. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $580
    Wednesday, January 15th, 12.00pm, 1-Day Event
    No Limit Poker Hold'em. Non-Ring Event! Buy-In: $250
    Thursday, January 16th, 9.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Turbo Mega Poker Satellite. Non-Ring Tournament! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 17th. Buy-In: $240
    Thursday, January 16th, 12.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Super Poker Satellite. Non WSOP Ring Event! 20 seats guaranteed. Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 17th. Buy-In: $70
    Friday, January 17th, 9.00am, 1-Day Event
    Sunrise Mega Poker Satellite. Non WSOP Ring Tournament! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Circuit Main Event on January 17th. Buy-In: $240
    World series of poker durant ok 2018Friday, January 17th, 12.00pm, 4-Day Event, Re entry event
    Event n.11A: No Limit Poker Hold'em Main Event, Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. $1.000.000 Guarantee. Players eliminated in Flight A. may re-enter in Flight B. Counts in points standings. $1,675
    Friday, January 17th, 2.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Mega Poker Satellite. Non WSOP Poker Ring Event! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 18th. Buy-In: $250
    Friday, January 17th, 4.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Mega Poker Satellite Non WSOP Poker Ring Tournament! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 18th. Buy-In: $250
    Friday, January 17th, 7.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Mega Poker Satellite Non WSOP Poker Ring Event! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 18th. Buy-In: $250
    Friday, January 17th, 10.00pm, 1-Day Event

    World Series Of Poker Durant Ok

    Turbo Mega Poker Satellite Non WSOP Poker Ring Tournament! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 18th. Buy-In: $240
    Saturday, January 18th, 9.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Last Chance Poker Satellite Non WSOP Poker Ring Event! Poker Satellite to the Choctaw WSOP Poker Circuit Main Event on January 18th. Buy-In: $240
    Saturday, January 18th, 12.00pm, 3-Day Event, Re-entry event
    Event n.11B: No Limit Poker Hold'em Main Event $1.000.000 Guarantee. Players eliminated in Flight A. may re-enter in Flight B. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $1,675
    Saturday, January 18th, 5.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Seniors No Limit Poker Hold'em Event. Non WSOP Poker Ring Event! Event open to players '50' years of age and older. Buy-In: $250
    Sunday, January 19th, 12.00pm, 1-Day Event
    Ladies No Limit Poker Hold'em Tournament. Non WSOP Poker Ring Event! Winner receives gold and diamond WSOP Poker Circuit Ladies Tournament pendant. Buy-In: $125
    Sunday, January 19th, 1.00pm, 1-Day Event

    World Series Of Poker Durant Ok 2020

    Mega Poker Satellite. Non WSOP Poker Ring Event! Satellite to WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event n.12 on January 19th. Buy-In: $65

    World Series Of Poker Durant Ok 2019

    Sunday, January 19th, 4.00pm, 2-Day Event
    Event n.12: No Limit Poker Hold'em Tournament. Official WSOP Poker Circuit Ring Event. Counts in points standings. Buy-In: $365
    i-Poker Tours


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